Secondary School Work

We are currently working in a number of middle and secondary schools in Bury St Edmunds and the surrounding area. Here’s what we do…

Lunchtime and after schools groups

Lunchtime and after schools groups

Lunchtime/After school Groups.

Rock Solid and EXPLORE are clubs run in local schools for years 5 - 9. Each week we have lots of fun with games and other activities looking at a message from the Bible.  Click here to find out more info.

We also facilitate Christian Unions creating space for young people to support one another, learning and praying together. We are keen to empower young people to lead these groups giving them valuable leadership experience.

Lessons and Assemblies

Lessons and Assemblies

Lessons - Our team are able to bring a Christian perspective on various topics. We explore themes relevant to young people today, looking at them from a Christian viewpoint. We encourage the young people to play an active role in our lessons, getting them involved in discussions and asking questions.

Assemblies - We offer assemblies on all kinds topics related to life and the Christian faith. 



Prayspace - is an amazing week-long event which we run in schools across the area. Prayspace enables children and young people, of all faiths and none, to reflect on life and pray in a safe, creative and interactive way. Click here to find out more info.

If you’re a young person, parent/guardian or teacher and want to find out which schools we are currently working in or know of an opportunity at your local school, please do get in touch by clicking here to send us an email.

Kintsugi Hope Well-being Groups

Kintsugi Hope Youth Well-being groups - we are excited to be able to offer well-being groups to local secondary schools and 6th forms. The course is fast paced and is 6-7 weeks long with some helpful teaching on a variety of topics such as, Honesty, depression and anxiety. The course has a Christian ethos running through it and has helped many young people.
Please email us to find out more info.